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- Take YCAT To College
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Take YCAT To College
Through partnerships with Arizona Western College, Northern Arizona University and University of Arizona*; students, employees* and facility* can ride Yuma County Area Transit (YCAT) buses free of charge unrestricted. You must place an YCAT semester sticker on your ID card in order to receive the free ride. An YCAT sticker is valid for one semester; Fall is from July 1 to December 31 and Spring is from January 1 to June 30.
Stickers can be obtained from the following locations:
AWC - Cashier in the 3C Building. Additional details are here.
NAU - Enrollment Services Office in the 3C Building. Additional details are here.
UA - Please contact Tonya Hodges at the Ag & Science Bldg. 137 & 138
*All employees, facility at AWC, NAU or UA and UA students, if interested in the free transit service unrestricted on YCAT are required to purchase the YCAT sticker for $5.00 per semester from the offices listed above.
AWC and NAU students already pay for this fee in their registration. Simply see your designated representative for an YCAT sticker to place on your ID card.
Routes to the College Campus
The college campus is served by the following routes:
- Orange Route 2 from Downtown Yuma and East Yuma (Monday through Saturday service)
- Brown Route 3 from Fortuna Foothills (Monday through Friday service, Saturday service only from March to October)
- Gold Route 8 from Wellton and Fortuna Foothills (Monday through Friday service)
- Silver Route 9 from San Luis and Somerton (Monday through Thursday during AWC/NAU/UA school days only service)
- NightCAT (Monday through Friday during AWC/NAU/UA school days only service)
Please click here for route and schedule information. Unless noted, routes generally operate Monday through Saturday with no service on Sundays.
Download YCAT 2014-2015 Service Calendar for Silver Route 9 and NightCAT operating days.
YCAT also serves off campus locations for AWC, NAU and UA. Please click here to use the Google Trip Planner to plan your trip to or from those destinations.