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YCAT Fares
Yuma County Area Transit Fares
Description | Full-Fare/Basic
One Way | $2.00 | $1.00 |
Day YCATPass | $5.00 (valued at 2.50 trips) |
$2.50 (valued at 2.50 trips) |
10-Ride YCATPass | $17.50 (valued at $1.75 per ride) |
$7.50 (valued at 75 cents per ride) |
31-Day YCATPass | $60.00 (valued at $1.50 per ride/20 days/2 trips each) |
$30.00 (valued 75 cents per ride/20 days/2 trips each) |
Route Deviation Fare on Routes 6A, 5, 8 & 10 (in El Centro) | $2.00 | $2.00 |
Route 10 (One Way) | $2.00 - cash only | Discounts are not available on this route |
Exact change is required. Drivers do not make change.
- All passes are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- No transfers - use Day YCAT Pass or pay one way fares.
- Greyhound tickets are accepted for NO additional fare to the city or town printed on the ticket.
- Cocopah Tribal members can ride free by showing their tribal ID card.
- Cocopah Tribal member guests must pay basic or discount fare depending on category of passenger.
- Arizona Western College (AWC) students and employees can ride free by showing their student or employee ID card with the current semester sticker.
- YPIC Charter High School, Vista High School and Strategies for Success students and employees can ride free by showing their student or employee ID card with current semester sticker.
- Children under 5 ride free - up to four children. Fifth and more children pay discount fare.
- Class Pass - $45.00 (Up to 5 adults and 40 students @ $1.00 per ride).
- YCAT Discount ID card applications for seniors ages 65 and older, persons with disabilities & Medicare card holders are available at the YCAT Bus Facility, 2715 East 14th Street, Yuma, AZ 85365 - Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
- YCAT Discount Card Initial Fee - $3.00.
- Lost YCAT Discount Card Replacement Fee - $5.00.
- 10-Ride YCAT Pass and 31-Day YCATPass are sold at the bus facility, 2715 East 14th Street, Yuma, AZ 85365 only.
- Day YCAT Passes are only sold on buses only and expire at the end of service day.
Lifeline Transit Pass Program
Low income residents would be able to purchase YCAT 31-day passes at half price by filling out an application and providing proof that income does not exceed guidelines as defined by United States Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines, latest edition.
For more information, contact Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority at (928) 783-2235.
Click here to download the Lifeline application.
Passes By Mail
10-Ride and 31-Day YCATPasses can be purchased at the following locations by clicking here or by mail.
If ordering by mail, please include your check and return address, and send to:
Bus Pass Sales
2715 East 14th Street
Yuma, AZ 85365
Download Pass Order Form
Purchase Passes Online Now