Document Library
YCIPTA Documents:

(2.22 MB) Uploaded: 3/5/2014
Summary of YCAT Performance in Fiscal Year 2013.

(933 KB) Uploaded: 3/5/2014
Update regarding YCIPTA Financial Status to the Board of Directors

(41 KB) Uploaded: 4/2/2020
Press Release 3 COVID 19 Service reduction March 25,2020

(94 KB) Uploaded: 3/5/2014
These standards are used to evaluate performance of the YCAT routes.

(219 KB) Uploaded: 7/18/2018
Turquoise Route 10 Schedule rev 071818

(3.83 MB) Uploaded: 1/25/2012
Bylaws of the Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority

(2.78 MB) Uploaded: 10/29/2014
YCIPTA Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014

(6.58 MB) Uploaded: 8/6/2012

(14.49 MB) Uploaded: 1/27/2012
Yuma Regional Transit Study Appendices