Some might think driving a bus is easy, but consider this: For hours on end, operators manage to keep a schedule, check fares, give directions, announce stops, remember stop requests and more, all while safely maneuvering a 40-foot vehicle through unpredictable traffic, adverse weather conditions and some really tight spaces. Not only that, they face frustrated riders when the bus is late—even when it’s because of traffic or other circumstances out of their control. And then there’s that little issue of bathroom breaks… Fact is, bus drivers don’t have an easy job, they just make it look that way.
So here’s a shout out to our 33 contracted bus operators, and transit operators everywhere: THANK YOU and keep up the good work!
By the way, you don’t have to wait for an annual holiday to thank your operator for a job well done. You can submit a commendation any time using our easy online form or by calling 928-783-2235.
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